
Welcome to Nodesteaders!

đź‘‹ Join the Community of Future-Forward Homesteaders

Why "Nodesteaders"?

Our name combines "Node" and "Homesteaders" to encapsulate who we are. "Node" reflects our tech-driven, interconnected way of life, while "Homesteaders" evokes our quest for stable, diverse bases. Together, as Nodesteaders, we build resilient networks and a feeling of home—wherever we find ourselves.

Who We Are

We are a community of tech professionals, remote workers, and global citizens, many of whom have experience as digital nomads. Our members are people who work in technology, have multiple bases or homes, and are interested in financial planning, tax implications, and legal structures that support their lifestyle.

While our community is geared towards these individuals, we welcome anyone who resonates with our ethos.

What We Offer


Ready to expand your bases?

Join now for a one-time fee of 4 USDUpon payment, you will receive an invitation to our Slack group, where the magic happens!

Note: The one-time membership fee increases by 1 dollar every month, so join now to lock in your rate!
For questions and enquiries, reach out to contact@nodesteaders.com